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At Junior Engineers, we're helping today's young techies and gamers turn into the scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers and cyber-security leaders of tomorrow.

Our outstanding range of digital technologies courses, covering engaging content in robotics, coding, STEM and creative thinking available year-round, delivered in-person, online, by private tutoring and self-paced courses for children aged 5-15. Browse our courses below, or use the filters provided to find the perfect course for your child. 

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Thumbs up kid with laptop
Please note

In order to enrol in a School Term Program, you must be a student of that school

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girl with laptop and minecraft characters on blue background
Block Coding

Junior Minecraft

5 - 10 years
Up to grade 5

For our youngest learners! A beginner drag & drop Minecraft Education course to start your child's coding journey and build future-fit skills from a young age. 

lego character in a bath tub outfit in a circle in front of aqua mode background

Stop Motion

5 - 10 years
Up to grade 4

Your child's first experience as a movie director! Stop motion is a popular technique used in cinema, advertising and content creation. 

Using clay, lego (bring your own) or their favourite toys, students will develop valuable digital skills like filming and editing, as well as strengthening their creativity through script development, backdrop creation and character development.

robot with orange bumper bar in front a minecraft background in a circle
10 - 15 years
Grades 4 - 10

Advance your child's coding & robotics skills in Sumo Bot aka Robot Wars for kids 10-15 years old. 

robot with orange bumper bar in front of code and minecraft background in a circle
7 - 12 years
Grades 2 - 6

Advance your child's coding & robotics skills in Junior Sumo Bot aka Robot Wars for kids 7-12 years old, using drag & drop coding!

Pathfinding robot, 2 orange cones on an orange and blue background
Block Coding

NEW: Junior Path Finding Robot

7 - 12 years
Grades 2 - 6

Through hands-on experimentation, problem-solving and drag and drop coding, students will build & create a robot equipped with sensors capable of autonomously detecting and navigating through mazes and tunnels.

obstacle_avoiding_robot badge
7 - 12 years
Grades 1 - 8

Self-driving cars and delivery drones might seem like the future, but your child can start building their own smart technology today!

In this course, children will take their first steps into the exciting world of autonomous systems by building and coding their own obstacle-avoiding robot.

Junior AI - Machine Learning
7 - 12 years
Grades 2 - 6

"Hey Siri, can you get my kids to clean their room?"

Machine learning powers the chatbots, assistants, and tools that make life easier. In this exciting course, kids will use Scratch to explore the basics of AI in a fun, interactive, and safe way! 

P.S. We can't guarantee they'll clean their room!

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