Roblox Survival Mode

**ATTENTION** Young adventurers! Survive and Thrive, Learning to Code with Roblox! 

Our Roblox Survival Mode program is the perfect way for your child to: 

  • Learn coding and game design 
  • Advance their future-fit STEM and coding skills in a fun and creative way 
  • Work in the Roblox landscape in various Survival themed activities including defeating zombies.
  • Build creativity through game creation, problem-solving, and social interaction.
  • Learn from expert instructors, who tailor course content to the experience level of the student and class 
  • Foster teamwork and communication skills

This course is designed for intermediate students, who have some experience in coding, and covers concepts that are far beyond what they’re taught in school. For returning students, assigned activities build on prior learnings and stretch skills with more complex coding tasks.

HOLIDAY PROGRAMS: All classes open to public enrolments 
***SCHOOL TERMS: Enrolments at the school you are enrolled in only***

10 - 13 years
Grades 4 - 6

This course includes

In our Roblox Survival Mode course, your kids will:

  • Work in the Roblox landscape in various Survival themed activities including defeating zombies.
  • Learn the fundamentals of game design and mechanics
  • Work inside the Roblox platform via a fun, interactive program
  • Learn from expert tutors who not only make learning fun, but they also adapt their classes to cater to the experience level of all students
  • Receive a certificate on completion of the program

Our programs are an excellent way for your child to develop future-ready STEM skills, setting them on an exciting adventure towards a successful future!

Happy coding! We’ll see you in class. 

Computer Requirements

Students are required to bring their own laptop device and power cord – either Windows or Mac devices are accepted.
If your child is not proficient with using a laptop trackpad, please bring your own MOUSE.  If you would like to save work to take home, please also bring along a USB stick.

Please note that iPads, Tablets and Chromebooks are not supported for this course. 
Roblox Studio provides minimum recommended system requirements for Windows and Mac devices. It is highly recommended that students’ device specifications are well above these requirements, as older slower devices can struggle with processing speed. 

For current requirements please click here

Installation Details

Students create their code using Roblox Studio Editor supplied by the Roblox gaming platform. Prior to class please download this software

Roblox Studio – download here  
Please click “start creating” to begin download 

roblox characters gathered around the screen smiling

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